Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Find Another Target
I've been reading quite a bit lately on the number of ways our freedoms are slowly being eroded.  Some of the articles discussed various ways government agencies and the larger website are monitoring the internet, including blogs and other websites.  
So I thought it might be nice to post a shout out to any monitor who might stumble onto my humble little exercise in free speech which I call, Paladin's Square.  Let me assure you (other than my wits) I am unarmed and plan no physical harm to anyone nor am I plotting to overthrow the government.  Now if my wit happens to be too sharp, or perhaps cuts someone in a verbal barrage of wittiness, well ........sorry.  Now that you've peeked here and found out that I am quite harmless, you can take your mouse, click it and move along to the next blog to see if you can catch that elusive and dangerous terrorist.  SO......MOVE ALONG ......GOODBYE...GIT!

Monday, January 23, 2012


As long as we're having fun, here's a link to a post I came upon earlier today on a blog called Blonde Gator, so all credit to her for this handy list.   It's rather amazing but, after watching some of these, Biden is starting to look like a genius by comparison.  
This guy is simply amazing.  If the media was doing its job the way it should, he would have been removed from office by now.  What if anything is presidential about this man?  I don't see it, I just don't see it.  Shame on the American people for allowing themselves to be duped.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012


If anyone needs a brief respite from the constant drumbeat of the political arena be sure to check out the link on my sidebar titled, "OLD BLUE JACKET."  I know a few readers here have backgrounds in the military and I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it.  I've watched many of the videos and particularly enjoy the "NOSTALGIC" section.   Thank you for your service.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Make Your Own Caption
1.  The doubling of gasoline prices since you came into office

2.  Allowing weapons to get into the hands of Mexican Drug Cartels

3.  Appointing Judicial Activists to the Supreme Court

4.  Increasing the dependance on food stamps, welfare and continuing to allow minorities no advancement from their situation

5.  Higher unemployment instead of jobs for all regardless of race or ethnic background

6.  Continued Constitutional violations and abuses of power such as illegal recess appointments and the appointment of Czars 

7.  Making a joke of the electoral process by failing to produce a legitimate, unarguable copy of your birth certificate

8.  Hiding all your past records and background information to the best of your ability

9.   Some of the most unqualified Cabinet appointments in  U.S. History

10.  Solyandra and the other scandals you have and continue to perpetrate on America

11.  Your family's constant and extravagant vacations

12.  Trying to close Gitmo and bring terrorists to the U.S. mainland for trial with U.S. Constitutional protections

13.  Continuing to spend the nation into oblivion , seeking debt ceiling raises and increasing the national debt more in three years than all previous presidents combined.

14.  Bowing down to known terrorists and enemies of our country.

15.  Continuing to blame previous presidents for your failures.

16.  Presiding over the most pitiful job growth and job creation in our history

17.  Putting politics and your own good over that of the nation

18.  Decrying the evils of capitalism while promoting socialist policies

19.  Providing little or no leadership at every critical juncture

20.   Introducing us to your friends, Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky, and Chicago style politics

21.  Promoting class warfare at every opportunity

22.  Taking on a job for which you are woefully unprepared and for proving it on a daily basis

23.  Making truth and commitments optional 

24.  Showing that there were still as many stupid American voters in 2008 as there were in 1976

25.  Using race as a crutch at every opportunity and pretending you are the first black man to be President when you are not

26.  Decrying everything Bush did but, continuing many of his policies and failing to admit to it

27.   Being so good at bamboozling the mindless dimwits with your rhetoric

28.  Making the teleprompter the most important tool of your office

29.  Paying minimal respect to our nation's traditions, documents, icons, flag and history

30.  Waking up the sleeping majority of Americans AND by the way THANKS FOR NOTHING

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Fantasy No More
Time and time again we keep seeing concrete examples to show that George Orwell's book, 1984,  may have been the most visionary book ever written.  I think it's about time he be recognized.  A lot of comments and references are made to this book, which was taught for years as a fantasy but, has morphed into a pretty classic non-fiction story.  Some might even say it could be used as a blueprint for awareness of how governments can go bad.  Funny how I've been thinking this for a long time but, never really took the time to mention it anywhere until I stumbled on this article.

This pretty much seals the deal for me.  If any "sane" person out there still exists that doesn't believe government and its tentacles are spreading faster than ever and further than ever, then he or she must be blind or fools or both!


In reading, watching and listening to news and sports on the internet, radio and television, I've seen thousands of statements people make that they pass off as their "opinion," because it's much easier to avoid being labeled a fool if you can just say, "well it's my opinion."  "I'm entitled to my opinion."  More often then not, statements like those appear immediately prior to, or right after a moronic notion of one kind or another, that is then covered under the blanket of, "opinion."
The one thing that most people forget about when they make these idiotic statements or take a fools position, under the guise of it just being their opinion, is the existence of something called a "false fact."  What is a false fact?  Why is it different than an opinion?  let's take a look at an example.

If I state that, "George Washington was the first American President,"  I am stating a fact that can be checked and PROVEN to be True.   When you check this out, you find I am correct and therefore you might consider me a pretty wise guy.

If I state that, "George Washington was the greatest American President," we find that statement to be an opinion, since it can not be proven true or false.  You may think James Madison was the greatest American President, and we can discuss or argue our selections, citing evidence that backs up our opinions.  But, at the end of the day, we may both end up tired from the debate but, neither having the "proof" that would make our statement of opinion, a fact.

Thirdly, and the one view that many don't consider is, whether the statement is a "false fact."  For instance, if I state that George Washington was never an American President, or that George Washington was the third American President, we can both go look it up and find that I can be proven wrong and that my statement, though stated as a fact, was a false fact or a wrong fact or whatever term you prefer.  In this case, you may think I'm a fool for stating such an obvious error but, I can't run and hide behind the statement that, "it was just my opinion."  Therefore I'm not wrong.  NO, I was wrong and I need to be held accountable for being wrong.  
This is the one that gets many of the "experts" off the hook.  They operate under the guise of giving us opinions, when in reality they are feeding us false information.  Saying things that are blatantly false but, they attempt to portray as an opinion.   They must be held accountable for this trickery.  Perhaps at the voting booth?  Perhaps, not getting that promotion or raise?    Or perhaps, being booted out of those positions under whose guise they hide their true agendas? 

IN MY OPINION, I believe it to be a good idea to be aware of these distinctions, as we are swamped with so many statements of FACTS, SUPPOSED FACTS, and OPINIONS, under the guise of TRUTHS.   These are distinctions that many people are unable to make and it explains why so many can be suckered by slick talking shysters, at the carnival, the car dealership, on the news, during political campaigns, or even speaking from the White House.  It is important to pause to consider the statements made to us, and to take the time to analyze whether they are stated to us as a fact, or just someone's OPINION, or perhaps even more clandestine, a false fact, floated out to control the minds of the foolish?

Friday, January 13, 2012


Here Here Here
It's pretty evident to anyone paying attention,  that much of the media in the U.S. loves to fill the airwaves with distractions of every kind.  It seems the strategy to keep the mindless fools occupied with drivel works to perfection because how else would the nonsense in Washington be permitted to occur as  unabated as it is?   Those of us who do pay attention know that things could be worse, if it not for the (small) portion of the population that shines the light on the vermin that infest our political system.  
It's frightening to think of what the next generation will be like, since so few of them are interested in much of anything that involves stewardship of the nation, it's history or it's founding principles.  They are easily distracted by shiny things (electronics, video games, cell phones and other forms of technology) and are burdened by those things that require deep thought or involvement.  
With all that in mind I've included a little activity for anyone interested.  Can you find the five meaningful items in this page full of distractions? 

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Monday, January 9, 2012


Well,  it won't be long before our glorious nations slips deeper into the abyss of filth, perversion and speed us  on to our eventual demise.
We can always hope the court does this right but, it's very much a crap shoot.  Occasionally, some government involvement was meant to be beneficial to the citizenry.  Not really as much as we are getting now but,  once in a while, in a limited way,  it can serve a purpose.   I guess I really need to quit being so negative and pretend to think everything will come up roses OR, I could just continue to be realistic based on prior experiences.  Either way, it's lose-lose proposition.
It will be just one more nail in the coffin.  The final one would be four more years of BO.  

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Listening to talk radio can be difficult at times.  It's surprising how many show hosts are so full of themselves, pompous and arrogant, that it isn't even funny.  I'm not only referring to national show hosts but, local ones especially.  They urge people to call in and then when you do, you are cut off, talked over or made the fool, especially if you don't agree with the host's point of view.  
As, I'm sitting here typing I'm getting a full taste of this, as I have the radio on our local sports talk station. 
Tonight is a tough one Pittsburgh's  local radio stations,  because the Steelers lost their playoff game and as a result,  many mindless fools are calling in and whining, bitching and moaning about the loss.  I can't help but think how much better our country would be if these people would put as much energy into caring what is happening in the country, as they do about how their football team is doing.  Don't misunderstand, I do enjoy sports but, I make an effort to keep it in perspective and not have it at the forefront of my life.  Distractions are OK but, when the distraction becomes one's focus, it is a problem.  Rumor has it that in these parts after a big loss like today, the police will keep an extra eye on the local bridges looking for jumpers. 
I could never understand why so many people call in and thank the host for taking their call.  Isn't that what the host's job is?  If the host didn't take your call, he wouldn't have a show.  
Sports and other talk shows all have there place and there isn't anything wrong with diversions from the daily monotony but, we need to focus more on priorities.  All of this just serves as another way to keep the majority of Americans from paying attention to the "man behind the curtain," and how they are manipulating us.   

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I had a crazy thought a while back.  One of many and I've noticed an increase in their frequency as well.  But anyway, why not share out here on the world wide web and give others the ability to share my insanity.
My thought was pretty simple.  What if millions of us regular America loving folks all came to together here on the WWW and agreed to just go to Washington and start banging on the doors and windows of the Capitol?  Now doesn't that paint a crazy picture in your head.  Millions of Americans all walking down the streets of DC with the intent and purpose to go and bang on the windows at the Capitol to throw a scare into our (mostly) useless politicians and all their cohorts?  
I'm talking about a park your car in Maryland or Virginia if you have to and start walking kind of mass conflagration of Americans (no pitchforks) paying our "servants" a hello, how you doing, kind of visit.   Of course my thought goes in two different directions.  One, I see all of us filling up the city streets and banging on those windows and peeking in and waving to our friends inside and they all come out and say "OK we're going to get down to business and straighten this country once and for all."  
Two, I see us getting to the outskirts of the city and being mowed down on the orders of those very same elected officials, just like those poor Syrians.  If I was a betting man, I put my money on scenario number two.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


With the arrival of the new year , I was just giving some thought to a few news items that might be great to be reading about next January.  I realize that some are a pipe dream but, hey it's only make-believe.   I'm sure there are some much better suggestions out there. 

1.  Obama Defeated in a Landslide 

2.  Republicans Control Congress

3. Unemployment down

4.  Keystone Oil Pipeline to be constructed

5.  Frank, Dodd and Pelosi indicted

6.  U. S. to Trim Foreign Aid 50%

7.  America to increase domestic oil, gas and coal production

8.  Supreme Court rules Obama Care unlawful

9.  Terrorist networks dismantled

10.  Iran and North Korea to shut down nuclear programs.