Friday, January 29, 2010


If my government really cared about me then TV or Radio advertisers wouldn't be able to use disclaimers by flying them across the TV screen in a blur or have someone  read it at a high rate of speed on the radio. Nor would they be permitted to blast commercials at decibel levels much higher than the programs we are watching or listening to.
If my government really cared about me they would stop hiding tax increases under the veil of different names.  If my government really cared about me they would permit assisted suicide if and when the time comes that it would be my choice to die with dignity.
If my government cared about me they would stop spending so much money they don't really have and learn to live within a budget each year, just like I do.
If my government really cared about me they would stop trying to police the whole world and stop spending so much of my tax money on wars instead of on protecting the homeland.  If my government really cared about me they would stop the flood of illegal immigrants coming in to the country and seal our borders to keep us safer.  If my government really cared about me they would stop continually playing the game of "political correctness and diversity" to constantly appease one minority or another.  If my government really cared about me they would work to provide good jobs for my children and others and help or encourage businesses to stop outsourcing those jobs to foreign nations.  Finally, if my government really cared about me they would follow the laws of the Constitution and use Common Sense when making decisions instead of political expediency.

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